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Case 当前位置:首页Case—120 Type combined screw oil press + pressure-leaf oil filter
120 Type combined screw oil press + pressure-leaf oil filter

120-Type Combined Screw Oil Press:


Screw Press: The 120-type screw oil press is a mechanical oil extraction machine that uses a screw mechanism to crush and press oil-bearing materials, such as seeds or nuts, to extract the oil. It is versatile and can be used with a variety of oilseeds.


Filtration: The pressure-leaf oil filter is a specialized piece of equipment designed for high-efficiency oil filtration. It contains a series of parallel filter  plates, each covered with two filter cloth to capture impurities.

Pressure Operation: This type of filter uses pressure to force the oil through the filter leaves, ensuring thorough filtration and the removal of solid particles, sediments, and other contaminants.


How They Work Together:


The 120-type combined screw oil press is used for the initial oil extraction process. It extracts oil from oilseeds and collects the extracted oil in a storage container. However, this oil may still contain some impurities.


The pressure-leaf oil filter is integrated into the oil production line, downstream of the screw press. It receives the extracted oil and performs a high-quality filtration process.


The pump of the pressure-leaf oil filter pressurizes the oil, pushing it through the filter leaves. During this process, the filter cloth captures impurities, leaving behind clean, refined oil.


The purified oil is collected in a separate container, ready for various applications, including cooking, frying, or further processing.


This combination is well-suited for small to medium-scale oil production operations that require both efficient oil extraction and high-quality filtration. It ensures that the final oil product is free of contaminants, making it suitable for consumption or use in various industrial applications.

上一篇:120 type combined screw oil press + double-cylinder pressure oil filter
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