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Case 当前位置:首页Case—double-cylinder pressure oil filter
double-cylinder pressure oil filter

The double-cylinder pressure oil filter is a type of filtration equipment designed to remove impurities and contaminants from edible oils. This filter is equipped with two parallel cylinders that contain filter elements, and it operates under pressure to ensure efficient oil purification. It is commonly used in oil mill and oil processing plants. Here are some key features and functions of a double-cylinder pressure oil filter:

Dual Filtration Chambers: As the name suggests, this filter has two filter chambers or cylinders arranged side by side.

Pressure Operation: Double-cylinder pressure oil filters operate under pressure. Oil is pushed through the filter cloth using a pump, which enhances the efficiency of the filtration process.


Easy Maintenance: The filter cloth in each chamber are replaceable, making maintenance relatively straightforward. When the filter elements become saturated with contaminants, they can be replaced, and the filter is ready for continued use.


Safety Features: To prevent overpressure and ensure safe operation, these filters may come with built-in pressure relief valves and safety mechanisms.

下一篇:200-2 Oil refining equipment
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